Why React Native App Development is Ideal for Building Cross-Platform Business Apps

React native app development

React Native: The Second Most Popular Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Framework with a 38% Market Share.

Since its creation, React Native has been on an upward trend, with more and more developers and businesses opting to use it as their primary framework for creating mobile applications due to its reliability and scalability.

Around 53% of developers have experience with React Native, making it the second most popular mobile development framework according to the 2021 State of JavaScript report.

What is React Native App Development?

React Native app development is a technology and framework that allows developers to create mobile applications for multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, using a single codebase. It combines the power of React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, with native mobile app development, resulting in cross-platform apps that look and feel like native applications. With React Native app development, you can design high-performing, feature-rich, mobile apps with a single codebase in JavaScript that runs on various platforms like Android and iOS. 

Key features and concepts of React Native app development include:

  1. Single Codebase: With React Native, developers write a single set of code in JavaScript or TypeScript that can be used to create apps for both iOS and Android platforms. This code reusability significantly reduces development time and effort.

  2. Native Components: React Native incorporates native components and modules, allowing developers to access platform-specific features and functionalities, such as cameras, GPS, or push notifications. This ensures that apps perform smoothly and provide a native-like user experience.

  3. Hot Reloading: React Native offers a feature called hot reloading, which allows developers to see the immediate impact of code changes on the app, without the need for a full rebuild. This speeds up the development process and makes debugging more efficient.

  4. Performance: By utilizing native components and optimizing for each platform, React Native apps can achieve excellent performance, often on par with natively developed applications.

  5. Community and Ecosystem: React Native has a large and active community of developers and a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and packages. This community support streamlines development and ensures access to a wide range of tools and resources.

  6. Cross-Platform Development: React Native enables businesses to reach a broader audience by building apps for both iOS and Android platforms simultaneously, reducing development and maintenance costs.

  7. UI Components: React Native provides a set of pre-designed UI components that can be easily customized to match the app's look and feel. Developers can also create custom components for more specialized needs.

  8. Integration: React Native apps can be integrated with existing native code, making it suitable for projects that require the gradual migration of features or coexistence with previously developed native apps.

What’s New in the React Native Ecosystem

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can provide you with some general trends and areas of development in the React Native ecosystem up to that point. However, please note that the ecosystem is continually evolving, and there may have been significant developments and changes since then. Here are some of the trends and areas of interest in the React Native ecosystem at that time:

  1. React Native 0.64 and Beyond: React Native regularly releases new versions with improvements and bug fixes. Keep an eye on the latest version (as of my last update, it was 0.64), which might introduce performance enhancements, new features, and improved developer tools.

  2. React Native CLI: The React Native CLI (Command Line Interface) has been evolving to simplify project setup and management. It's crucial to stay updated with the latest improvements and features.

  3. Hermes Engine: Hermes, a JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native apps on Android, gained popularity. It can significantly improve app startup time and reduce memory usage on Android devices.

  4. TypeScript Integration: The usage of TypeScript with React Native has been growing steadily. TypeScript provides strong typing and better code quality, making it an attractive choice for many developers.

  5. React Native Navigation Libraries: Navigation is a critical aspect of mobile app development. Several navigation libraries, like React Navigation and React Native Navigation, continued to evolve, offering improved navigation solutions.

  6. State Management: Managing the app state is essential for a smooth user experience. Libraries like Redux and Mobx have been commonly used for state management in React Native apps.

  7. Performance Optimization: Performance is a crucial concern for mobile apps. Developers have been focusing on optimizing animations, reducing memory usage, and improving the overall responsiveness of React Native apps.

  8. Enhanced Developer Tools: Tools like Reactotron and Flipper have been popular for debugging and inspecting React Native apps. Keep an eye on updates and new tools that can enhance your development workflow.

  9. Third-Party Libraries: The React Native ecosystem benefits from a vast array of third-party libraries and packages. Regularly check for updates and new packages that can help you achieve specific functionalities more efficiently.

  10. Expo: Expo is a popular platform that simplifies React Native app development. It provides a range of tools and services to streamline the development process. Keep an eye on Expo updates and features.

  11. Web Support: The React Native team has been working on improving web support, allowing developers to target the web platform using React Native components and techniques. This provides more flexibility in reaching different platforms.

The Architecture of React Native

The architecture of React Native is a crucial aspect of understanding how this popular cross-platform mobile app development framework operates. It combines the principles of React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, with native mobile app development to create applications that can run on both iOS and Android platforms. 

Certainly, here's an explanation of the terms and concepts related to React Native:

  1. View:

    • The View is a fundamental component in React Native, responsible for displaying user interface elements. It acts as a container for other components like text, images, buttons, and more.
    • Views are used to structure the layout of your app and create a visually appealing user interface.
  2. Props (Properties):

    • Props are data that a parent component passes down to its child components.
    • Props are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed or modified by the child component. They are used to transmit data from parent to child for rendering or other purposes.
  3. State:

    • State represents a component's internal data, which can be modified by the component itself.
    • When a component's state changes, it triggers a re-render of the component to reflect the updated data in the user interface.
  4. Redux:

    • Redux is a popular state management library that works seamlessly with React Native.
    • It centralizes the application's state in a single store, making it accessible to all components. This allows for efficient state management and data sharing among different parts of the app.
  5. Actions:

    • Actions are events or payloads of data that initiate state changes within a Redux-based application.
    • When an action is dispatched, it is processed by reducers, which update the application's state accordingly.
  6. Reducers:

    • Reducers are functions responsible for managing actions and updating the state of a Redux application.
    • They receive an action and the current state as parameters, and based on the action type, they calculate and return the new state of the application.

How is React Native Better Than Flutter For App Development?

React Native and Flutter are both popular frameworks for mobile app development, and each has its own set of strengths and advantages. Whether React Native is better than Flutter or vice versa depends on various factors, including the specific project requirements, developer expertise, and personal preferences. Here are some aspects in which React Native might be considered better than Flutter for app development:


  • React Native uses JavaScript, a widely used language known for its ease of learning and extensive developer support.
  • Flutter uses Dart, a language specifically designed for app development. While less common than JavaScript, Dart offers advantages in terms of performance and developer productivity.


  • React Native utilizes native components, providing a more native look and feel for the user interface.
  • Flutter relies on its own set of widgets, offering greater flexibility and customization in UI design.

Development Environment:

  • React Native requires separate development environments for each platform, such as Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android.
  • Flutter offers a unified development environment, simplifying the development process by allowing developers to work on both platforms in a single environment.

Hot Reloading:

  • React Native supports hot reloading, enabling real-time code changes without the need for a full rebuild or app restart.
  • Flutter also has a hot reload feature, although it may not be as fast as React Native's.

Community Support:

  • React Native boasts a larger and more established developer community, providing a wealth of tools, libraries, and resources.
  • Flutter's community is growing rapidly, but it's still relatively young compared to React Native's.


  • Flutter often outperforms React Native in terms of performance because it compiles code to native ARM machine code. React Native relies on a bridge to communicate with native components, which can introduce some performance overhead.

How to Start React Native App Development?

Certainly, here are the steps to set up a React Native development environment and create a basic app:

Step 1: Install Node.js

React Native requires Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) to be installed. You can download Node.js from its official website (https://nodejs.org/) and follow the installation instructions.

Step 2: Install the React Native CLI

The React Native CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool for creating and managing React Native projects. You can install it globally on your system by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

npm install -g react-native-cli

Step 3: Create a New Project

Once the CLI is installed, you can create a new React Native project using the react-native init command. For example, to create a project named "MyApp," run:

react-native init MyApp

This command will generate a new project with the basic file structure and required dependencies.

Step 4: Run the Project

Navigate to your project directory using the cd command:

cd MyApp

react-native run-ios

Step 5: Write the Code

With your project set up, you can begin developing your app by writing code. React Native provides a wide range of components and APIs for building your user interface and functionality.

Step 6: Debugging and Testing

You can use React Native development tools for testing and debugging your app. Tools like React Native Debugger help analyze the component hierarchy and state, while you can use the console for logging warnings and errors.

Step 7: Create and Deploy

Once your app is ready, you can build it for deployment using tools like Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android. Follow the platform-specific instructions to package and deploy your app to the respective app stores.

What is the Difference between React Native App Development For Android and iOS?

React Native is a popular framework for developing mobile applications that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. While React Native promotes code reusability and a consistent user experience across platforms, there are some differences between React Native app development for Android and iOS:

  1. UI/UX Design: React Native allows developers to use a single codebase for both platforms, but the UI/UX design might differ. iOS and Android have distinct design guidelines, so you may need to customize certain UI components and styles to adhere to platform-specific conventions.

  2. Development Environment: To develop React Native apps for iOS, you typically need a macOS-based machine because you'll use Xcode, which is macOS-exclusive, for building and running iOS apps. For Android, you can use either macOS, Linux, or Windows.

  3. Components and APIs: While React Native provides a set of cross-platform components and APIs, there are cases where you might need to use platform-specific components or modules to access certain device features or capabilities. These platform-specific modules are called Native Modules.

  4. Testing and Debugging: Debugging and testing React Native apps can be slightly different for iOS and Android. Tools like the iOS Simulator and Android Emulator are used to test the apps on respective platforms. Debugging tools may also vary, with Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android.

  5. Performance Variations: Android and iOS devices have different hardware and performance characteristics. React Native tries to bridge the gap, but you might still encounter performance differences between the two platforms, especially on older Android devices.

  6. Device Fragmentation: Android has a more significant level of device fragmentation compared to iOS. Developers need to consider varying screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware capabilities when designing and testing React Native apps for Android.

  7. Publishing and Distribution: Publishing apps on the Google Play Store (for Android) and the Apple App Store (for iOS) involves different processes, guidelines, and submission requirements. You need to be aware of these differences when preparing your app for release.

  8. Updates and Compatibility: Android and iOS release updates at different times and with different features. React Native libraries and packages may need updates to remain compatible with the latest versions of both platforms.

  9. User Expectations: Users on Android and iOS might have different expectations regarding app behavior, navigation patterns, and overall user experience. It's essential to consider these expectations when designing your app.

Adware Technologies is a leading React Native app development company providing cutting-edge and industry-leading React Native app development services with over 10+ years of industry experience and an in-house team of skilled and proficient React Native developers.

Hire React Native developers from Adware to build growth-driven, cross-platform, scalable, and flexible React Native apps that will scale your business growth.

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